Drawer PC

Saint Quentin la Poterie, France

From the Media Center PC to the Test PC

As the wooden computer case would definitely not fit in the TV cabinet, I decided to use the refurbished computer as a secondary/test computer. I wanted it to be at my desk for convinience but there was not enough space unless...

After many hours of thinking how to mount this computer inside my desk, the drawer clearly stood out as the best option as it would be easy to build the computer inside, completely hide it while remaining accessible if needed. 👌

Test fit

After a quick test fit of all the components I started to build it!!


As I had not very well planned this project many things came along during the build process. I had to suspend the PSU in the air, improvise a mounting system for the hard drive and find a way for the fan to access fresh air... But in the end I managed to sort everything out!!

The test PC was hidden but easy to reach allowing me to test hard drives without opening my workstation for instance. Eventhough I did not use it much, the drawer PC is still inside my desk at this very moment!! 🤩

The drawer computer
The drawer computer